General information:

Advice on writing a good proposal

Photos - conclusion and remarks


Lecturers' presentations:

Denis Andrault:
abstract:  Phase transformations, chemical reactions and melting properties investigated in situ using the laser heated diamond anvil cell

presentation:  Laser heating in Diamond Anvil Cell:  The "basics"


Daniel Braithwaite:
abstract:  Strongly correlated electron systems under high pressure and other extreme conditions

presentation:  Strongly correlated electron systems under high pressure and other extreme conditions

Alexander Chumakov:
abstract:  Nuclear resonance scattering at high pressure: status and future

presentation:  Nuclear resonance scattering at high pressure:  status and future

Wilson Crichton:
abstract:  Recent upgrades to beamline ID06LVP, the ESRF’s large-volume press station


Frédéric Datchi:
abstract:  Experimental studies at high P-T in the diamond anvil cell

presentation:  Experimental studies at high P-T in the diamond anvil cell


Koen De Hantsetters:
abstract:  Diamonds

presentation:  Diamonds


Leonid Dubrovinsky:
abstract:  Inorganic Synthesis and Crystal Chemistry at Multimegabar Pressures

presentation:  Inorganic Synthesis and Crystal Chemistry at Multimegabar Pressures


Gaston Garbarino:
abstract:  ESRF high pressure laboratory: present and future

presentation:  ESRF high pressure laboratory:  present and future

Jochen Geck:
abstract:  X-ray scattering at high pressures and low temperatures:  Squeezing cool electrons

presentation:  X-ray scattering at high pressures and low temperatures:  Squeezing cool electrons


Nicolas Guignot:
abstract:  The LH-DAC in synchrotrons: general principles and an overview of some important techniques

presentation:  The LH-DAC in synchrotrons:  general principles and an overview of some important techniques


Michael Hanfland:
abstract:  The high pressure crystallography beamline ID15B

presentation:  The high pressure crystallography beamline ID15B

Nadege Hilairet:
abstract:  In-situ LVP experiments for investigation of materials deformation under high pressures

presentation:  Introduction to multi-anvil techniques at synchrotrons

Tetsuo Irifune:
abstract:  Synthesis, features, and applications of nano-polycrystalline diamond:  Toward multi-Mbar pressures in multianvil apparatus

presentation:  Synthesis, features, and applications of nano-polycrystalline diamond:  Toward multi-Mbar pressures in multianvil apparatus


Jeroen Jacobs:
abstract:  A versatile Diamond Anvil Cell for X-ray inelastic, diffraction and imaging studies at synchrotron facilities

presentation:  A versatile Diamond Anvil Cell for X-ray inelastic, diffraction and imaging studies at synchrotron facilities


Stefan Klotz:
abstract:  High pressure: Making it, measuring it, and avoiding pitfalls

presentation:  High pressure: Making it, measuring it, and avoiding pitfalls


Yoshio Kono:
abstract:  Synchrotron X-ray experiments for studying structure and properties of liquids and glasses at high-pressure and high-temperature conditions in large volume press

presentation:  Synchrotron X-ray experiments for studying structure and properties of liquids and glasses at high-pressure and high-temperature conditions in large volume press

Yann Le Godec:
abstract:  Novel portable Paris-Edinburgh presses for synchrotron time-resolved 3-D micro-imagining under extreme conditions

presentation:  Novel portable Paris-Edinburgh presses for synchrotron time-resolved 3-D micro-imagining under extreme conditions

Marion Louvel:
abstract:  In-situ studies of high-temperature fluids and melts (P < 2 kbar) and their application to Geosciences

presentation:  In-situ studies of high-temperature fluids and melts (P < 2 kbar) and their application to Geosciences


Mohamed Mezouar:
abstract:  High flux nano-XRD beamline for Science under extreme conditions

presentation:  High flux nano-XRD beamline for Science under extreme conditions

Guillaume Morard:
abstract:  Phase transitions in laser heated diamond anvil cell: observations from in situ and ex situ analyses

presentation:  Phase transitions in laser heated diamond anvil cell: observations from in situ and ex situ analyses


Sakura Pascarelli:
abstract:  Frontiers of High Pressure Research at the European Synchrotron Radiation Facility

presentation:  Frontiers of High Pressure Research at the European Synchrotron Radiation Facility


Jean-Phillipe Perrillat:
abstract:  Exploring magmas under pressure using the Paris-Edinburgh press and synchrotron light

presentation:  Exploring magmas under pressure using the Paris-Edinburgh press and synchrotron light

Gleb Pokrovski:
abstract:  In-situ spectroscopy of sulfur and critical metals in fluid-mineral-melt systems at high temperatures and pressures

presentation:  In-situ spectroscopy of sulfur and critical metals in fluid-mineral-melt systems at high temperatures and pressures

Angelika Rosa:
abstract:  Extreme conditions programme at BM23/ID24 after the EBS upgrade

presentation:  Extreme conditions programme at BM23/ID24 after the EBS upgrade


Christoph Sahle:
abstract:  ID20: non-resonant inelastic X-ray scattering at extreme conditions

presentation:   High Pressure X-ray Raman Scattering at ID20

Chrystele Sanloup:
abstract:  Trace elements in silicates/melts at high pressure

presentation:  Trace elements in silicates/melts at high pressure

Ilya Sergeev:
abstract:  High pressure studies on magnetism and lattice dynamics by Nuclear Resonance Scattering

presentation:  High pressure studies on magnetism and lattice dynamics by Nuclear Resonance Scattering

Thomas Sheppard:
abstract:  In situ and operando hard X-ray tomography from micro- to nanoscale:  opportunities and applications in catalysis and materials science

presentation:  In situ and operando hard X-ray tomography from micro- to nanoscale:  opportunities and applications in catalysis and materials science


Denis Testemale:
abstract:  FAME and FAME-UHD beamlines

presentation:  FAME and FAME-UHD beamlines

Laurent Truche:
abstract:  Chemical controls on the solubility of metal bearing phases in hydrothermal solution

presentation:  How to study water-rock-gas interactions at elevated T-P?  An experimental overview


Fabrice Wilhelm:
abstract:  High pressure activity at the ESRF ID12 beamline

presentation:  High pressure activity at the ESRF ID12 beamline

Max Wilke:
abstract:  Introduction to resistively heated DAC techniques

presentation:  Introduction to resistively heated DAC techniques