Shin-ichi ADACHI, KEK Photon Factory, Japan Complementarity of SR and XFEL sources for tracking chemical reactions in solution with ultrashort X-ray pulses
Christian BRESSLER, XFEL, Germany MHz X-ray Experiments with SR and XFEL sources
Majed CHERGUI, EPFL, Switzerland Structural dynamics of hemoproteins using synchrotron radiation and X-ray free electron lasers
Peter GAAL, Universität Hamburg, Leibnitz-Institut für Kristallzüchtung Berlin, Germany Implementation of a high repetition and short pulse option at ID09
Pieter GLATZEL, ESRF, France Chemical information in X-ray emission spectroscopy
Kristoffer HALDRUP, Technical University of Denmark, Denmark Unpacking energetics and dynamics in photoexcited transition-metal complexes with synchrotrons and XFELs
Dmitry KHAKHULIN, XFEL, Germany FXE instrument of the European XFEL: experimental capabilities and first results
Qingyu KONG, SOLEIL Synchrotron, France Photochemical reaction dynamics of Ru3(CO)12 studied by picosecond and femtosecond X-ray solution scattering at ESRF and LCLS
Matteo LEVANTINO, ESRF, France Time-resolved structural studies at the ID09 beamline of the ESRF
Maciej LORENC, Université Rennes, France Multiscale dynamics studied with X-rays: from molecular switching to material transformation
Martin Meedom NIELSEN, Technical University of Denmark, Denmark Kinetics and dynamics in bi-metallic complexes in solutions
Eugene MAKSIMOV, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Russia Protein-Chromophore interactions and conformational mobility of photoactive Orange Carotenoid Protein
Serguei MOLODTSOV, XFEL, Germany European XFEL: Status and Research Applications
Richard NEUTZE, University of Gothenburg, Sweden Time resolved diffraction and scattering studies of protein structural changes using XFEL and synchrotron radiation
Thomas PENFOLD, Newcastle University, United Kingdom Time-resolved X-ray Spectroscopy: from the nano to the femtosecond regimes
Charles PEPIN, CEA, France Time-resolved synchrotron XRD of shock compressed matter : the case study of Bi
Anton PLECH, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany Time-resolved nanoscience – between molecular kinetics and solid-state dynamics
Sylvain RAVY, LPS, France Charge-density waves at the femto- and picosecond timescale
Giorgio SCHIRO, Institut de Biologie Structurale, France X-ray pulses for time-resolved experiments on photo-sensitive proteins
Grigory SMOLENTSEV, Paul Scherrer Institute, Switzerland Excited state of Cu-based OLED material is probed with pump-probe XAS, XES and WAXS
Jean SUSINI, Director of Research ESRF, France
Opening remarks
Simone TECHERT, DESY Hamburg, Germany Studying complex chemical reactions at pulsed high-flux X-ray sources
Tim Brandt VAN DRIEL, SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory, USA Experiences from the LCLS
Sebastian WESTENHOFF, University of Gothenburg, Sweden Time-resolved WAXS reveals solution structural changes in photoreceptor proteins
Michael WULFF, ESRF, France The ID09 beamline: history and visions for the future