Scientific Organisers UOC Organiser:
A. Miele

ESRF Organisers:
D. Nurizzo
M. Nanao

Keynote Speakers Janosch Hennig - EMBL Heidelberg, Germany
Ho-Leung Ng - Kansas State University, USA
Ailsa Powell - Diamond Light Source, UK
Administrative Assistant Claudine Roméro
Contact udm2-um22@esrf.fr
Format Webinar
Recordings of talks

J. Hennig  movie-videos.png

Ho Leung Ng  movie-videos.png

A. Fiorillo  movie-videos.png

M. Ardini movie-videos.png

S. Bothe movie-videos.png

S. Chakraborty movie-videos.png


Aim & Scope

Modern drug development relies heavily on knowledge of the atomic structure of macromolecules and their complexes with small molecule drugs. This approach, called “Structure Based Drug Design” (SBDD) is central to the drug design process and relies heavily on structure determination methods such as cryoEM, NMR, SAXS and X-ray crystallography. With the EBS, the latter two methods have undergone significant upgrades in their capabilities at the ESRF. This UDM is dedicated to both experimental and analysis methodology as well as case studies of protein-ligand interactions, particularly in their application to drug development.