ID02 beamline is a combined ultra small-angle and wide-angle scattering instrument. The microstructure and non-equilibrium dynamics of soft matter and related systems can be probed from sub-nanometer to micron scale, and down to sub-millisecond time range.
- Life Sciences
- Physics
- Chemistry
- Materials and Engineering
- Environmental Sciences
- Medicine
- Soft condensed matter
- Noncrystalline structural biology
- Interdisciplinary areas of soft matter, biology, and nanoscience
SAXS - small-angle X-ray scattering
Time-resolved SAXS
Time-resolved USAXS
USA-XPCS - ultra-small-angle XPCS
USAXS - ultra-small-angle X-ray scattering
WAXS - wide-angle X-ray scattering
Beam size
- Minimum (H x V) : 20.0
x 20.0
Maximum (H x V) : 200.0
x 60.0
Sample environments
- Stopped-flow rapid mixing device
- Stress controlled rheometer
- Fast pressure-jump setup
- Mettler Toledo heating stage (HS82/HS1)
- Linkam heating stage: (THMS600/TMS94)
- Peltier-controlled flow-through capillary cell
- Magnetic field (0.1 mT to 1.5 T)
- Oven (capillaries and flat cells, 25-300°C)
- Peltier-controlled automatic sample changer
- SAXS: Eiger2-4M
- WAXS: Rayonix LX170
- USAXS: FReLoN / Eiger2-4M
- XPCS: Eiger 500K
Technical details
Combined USAXS/SAXS/WAXS: ID02 offers time-resolved ultrasmall-, small- & wide- angle X-ray scattering (combined USAXS/SAXS/WAXS) capabilities. The setup uses a monochromatic, highly collimated, and intense beam in the pinhole configuration with sample-to-detector distance variable from 0.8 m to 31 m. The collimation is achieved by exploiting the intrinsic low divergence of the source together with two slits placed farther apart. Using 1 Å X-ray wavelength, the q range covered by the instrument is roughly 10-3 nm-1< q < 60 nm-1.
More detailed information about the scattering techniques, sample environments, and detectors is available at the beamline home page, which also lists recent publications illustrating the capabilities of the instrument. An up-to-date reference for the beamline technical specifications and performance is Ref. [1]. Please note that the beamline web page is not a reference and the link is subject to change. For experiments carried out prior to 2020, the technical reference is still Ref. [2].
[1] T. Narayanan, M. Sztucki, T. Zinn, J. Kieffer, A. Homs-Puron, J. Gorini, P. Van Vaerenbergh and P. Boesecke, J. Appl. Cryst., 55, 98 (2022);
[2] T. Narayanan, M. Sztucki, P. Van Vaerenbergh, J. Le´onardon, J. Gorini, L. Claustre, F. Sever, J. Morse and P. Boesecke, J. Appl. Cryst., 51, 1511 (2018);
Microtube self-assembly leads to conformational freezing point depression
Komarova T.Yu., Zinn T., Narayanan T., Petukhov A.V., Landman J.,
Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 677, 781-789 (2025)
Targeting pentamidine towards CD44-overexpressing cells using hyaluronated lipid-polymer hybrid nanoparticles
Andreana I., Chiapasco M., Bincoletto V., Digiovanni S., Manzoli M., Ricci C., Del Favero E., Riganti C., Arpicco S., Stella B.,
Drug Delivery and Translational Research 14, 2100-2111 (2024)
Not only a matter of disorder in I-WP minimal surface-based photonic networks: Diffusive structural color in Sternotomis amabilis longhorn beetles
Bauernfeind V., Saranathan V., Djeghdi K., Longo E., Flenner S., Greving I., Steiner U., Wilts B.D.,
Materials Today Advances 23, 100524-1-100524- (2024)
Attractive carbon black dispersions: Structural and mechanical responses to shear
Bauland J., Bouthier L.V., Poulesquen A., Gibaud T.,
Journal of Rheology 68, 429-443 (2024)
Two-step aging dynamics in enzymatic milk gels
Bauland J., Manna G., Divoux T., Gibaud T.,
Physical Review Materials 8, L072601-1-L072601-6 (2024)
Chondroitin sulfate and caseinophosphopeptides doped polyurethane-based highly porous 3D scaffolds for tendon-to-bone regeneration
Bianchi E., Ruggeri M., Del Favero E., Pisano R., Artusio F., Ricci C., Vigani B., Ferraretto A., Boselli C., Cornaglia A.I., Rossi S., Sandri G.,
International Journal of Pharmaceutics 652, 123822-1-123822-12 (2024)
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