ID10B Control Hutch

Fig. 1: ID10-EH1 Control Hutch.

In the control hutch you’ll spend most of your time during the experiment (hopefully). All computer equipment used for the control of the experiment and data analysis is gathered here.

Linux Workstations

The main computer in the ID10-EH1 to control experimnets is the Linux machine (redhat-4) with the name MAX. From a konsole window the SPEC applications like  "eh1_exp", "eh1_optics", "eh1_opiom" or others are started and run on the machine TING which contains all programs to controll the ID10 beamline. Imortant!!! MAX is a terminal of TING. All spec commands are typed in the EH1_EXP prompt and the otained data are stored in a spec data-file on the MAX machine. For more information about SPEC see the on-line spec manual, or the printed copy posted at the beamline.

NICE Account

As an official ESRF user you will have an account on the NICE computer environment (unix). Read more about in the Data collection and transfer. (Other useful links are Internet and The Firewall and Users Manual (Email, ssh, ftp, etc.))


Apart from MAX there are one other UNIX terminals and a PC available for users at the beamline. They are all connected to the network and can be used to perform on-line data-analysis etc. using programs such as PyMca, C-plot (c-plot help-files), Origin etc.. The programs belonging to the MS-Office pack are available on the Windows PC. At the ESRF, The Wireless LANs are used for users on site (click here for more info about WiFi). Free network plugs are available for your own computer equipment, however you must to have the up to date antivirus software used at the ESRF. For more information about available software, data storage policy etc. we refer to the local-contact.


A post-script printer (a4bid10b) is connected to all computers in the ID10-EH1 control hutch. A4 paper for the printer as well as additional office articles (pens and scotch) can be found in one of the the cabinet drawer located in the ID10-EH1 control hutch. To print out from a windows computers at the beamline use one of the network printer of smez07c2w, smez07b2w, smez10c2w, smez10b2w which are located at mezzanine of sector 7 or 10.

ICEPAPs Drives

An icepaps (motordrive) rack is present in the control hutch (large blue rack, behind the MAX compute). The icepaps can be switched off (in units of 8) by turning the little key into "disabled" position. Before connecting or dis-connecting a motor it is IMPORTANT TO DISABLE THE CORRESPONDING ICEPAP DRIVE.


The phone number to the control hutch is +33 476 88 25 26 or just 25 26 on-site. For calls abroad, card phones can be found in the Experimental Hall (next to beamline ID32) and in the Guest House. Phone cards are available from the Guest House reception.

Beamline Unattended

Unattended operation mode is allowed for experiments with gree and yellow safety color code. However an "yellow" experiments needs a particular check by the Safety Group at the beginning of the experiment. A RED SAF is delivered for experiments which present a risk; consequently, the unattended operation mode is forbidden: at least one person must be present at all times (24h a day) on the beamline.


Most of the manuals/data-sheets of the in-house hardware are stored in the large black cabinet in the ID10-EH2 control hutch. Please help yourself.