First step: are images really blank or is the flux very low? Check the attenuation and the flux ain Mxcube. Is the hutch searched and safety shutter open? Change the transmission -- the flux should be 10^12 -10^13 ph/s at full beam.



  1. Start IDappli. From the id232control console or an id232control window from a remote session in, type idappli
  2. Is the Front End opened?
    1. If not and you cannot open the front end
      1. Search the optics hutch. There are two buttons that must be searched. The one closest to the ring must be pressed first and then the one closest to the experimental hutch
      2. If the search will not start, the safety key is likely missing. Contact the EHO or beamline staff to get th esafety key
  3. Check the machine current: has the beam dumped?
  4. Check the undulator gap in the Front End application. The u20.2 should be set to 11.39 mm. Note that sometimes the FE application gives a spurious value, which can be overcome by making small changes to the gap setting (this updates the value). This is a common problem after machine days, i.e. usualy Wednesdays.
  5. Check the status of the vacuum valves. From a sybil window or the sybil console, type jvacuum. All valves must be green! Ifthe vacuum readings are lower than e-7, you can open RV7 or RV8 by double clicking on them.
    1. RV9 and the safety shutter are a special case as they are linked in order to protect the mirrors. This means if vacuum is partially or fully lost you will not be able to open the safety shutter. If RV9 is closed, first check the vacuum level on the mirror, to the left. It should be better (lower) than e-7. If the gauge (top right of mirror icon) is grey and not green, you must double click it and then turn it on before you can open RV9.
  6. If the above are both fine, beam must be checked with beam viewers: this is not a user intervention. For LCs, call Shibom or Max, or use the bv_mbv1() bv_mbv2(), bv_mbv3() functions to put the beam viewer in, and then look at the beam viewers on http://lid235:8066
  7. If there is flux at i0, there could be a fast shutter problem. Try to do fshut_expert.home() in the BLISS shell. Note that the microdiff software MUST be running in order to do a shutter homing (because the MD controls the shutter)