
First try reloading the MXCuBE 3 web interface (shift-F5) - this fixes most problems.

If this does not solve the problem. Kill and start the MXCuBE v3 server. 

From a remote session (video here), in NX OR, make sure you have started the ID23EH2 script on the desktop and

ssh opid23@id232control  (ask your local contact for the password)

on id232control:






Keep in mind that you must leave this process running -if you kill it or you kill your NX session, it must be started again in order for mxcube3 to work

Once you have restarted mxcube3, you will need to refresh your browser (Control-R or shift-F5 or "Reload" from the menu bar)

If this does not work, there could be a zombie mxcube3-server that need to be killed:

ps -ef |grep mxcube3-server

find the process, e.g. 12345


kill -9 process 12345

then start mxcube



trying a different browser can help in some cases.

Finally, in some cases one needs to reatart the "Beacon" server. On sybil:

 echo "restart bliss:beacon-server" |supervisorctl

then restart mxcube as above

MXCube server will not start

look for the "websocket-relay.js" process using "ps" and kill it, then start mxcube


Try restarting the transfocator device server:

on sybil, type:



restart  TRANSFOCATORS:tf1


and then try to restart the mxcube server again




Safety shutter cannot be opened/blank images 

see "Blank Images" section -- it is probably the RV9 valve.


Still problems e.g. moving motors?

Click at left of MXCUBE3 to show all motors -- are any red? if so, move them with the up or down arrow to turn them green