online Raman
In addition to performing Raman spectroscopy directly in the icOS lab ("offline mode"), it is also possible to connect the spectrometer via an optical fiber to a Raman head which is mounted on the X-ray beamline ID30B ("online mode" Available soon).
Experimental setup
On beamline ID30B, the Raman head is focussed onto exactly the same spot of the sample as the X-ray beam, allowing to easily record Raman spectra in between crystallographic data collections, e.g., to monitor radiation damage.
Check the offline Raman page for a more general description of our spectrometer and its capabilities.
A similar but older online Raman setup is described in a paper by Carpentier et al. [J. Appl. Crystallogr. 40, 1113-1122 (2007)].