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ESRF scientist awarded research grant ESRF scientist and ERC grant winner Alexandra Pacureanu was awarded £2 million by UKRI and The Wellcome Trust for research on information processing in the mammalian brain. Pacureanu will use the high performances of EBS and 3D X-ray nano-imaging developed at beamline ID16A together with in-vivo functional imaging and electron microscopy to determine how the brain circuitry works.
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Two new ESRF beamlines inaugurated On 10 June, members of the ESRF s Scientific Advisory Committee inaugurated two new beamlines: high-pressure beamline ID27, which will enable a new class of experiments under extreme pressure temperature conditions, and serial crystallography beamline ID29, which will make it possible to collect data from biological macromolecule crystals of a few micrometres in a few microseconds.
ESRF user wins prestigious Rudolf Vircher Prize The German Pathology Society (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Pathologie, DGP) awarded the prestigious Rudolf Virchow Prize to ESRF user PD Dr Maximilian Ackermann for his work using hierarchical phase-contrast tomography (HiP-CT) at beamlines BM05 and BM18. The award, which was presented at the DGP s 105th annual conference in June, is a strong recognition of the Human Organ Atlas project developed thanks to the new capabilities of ESRF-EBS.
ESRF welcomes LAAAMP grantee Zimbabwean post-graduate student Gideon Chinamatira, grantee of the Lightsources for Africa, the Americas, Asia, Middle East and Pacific (LAAAMP) project, spent two months training at beamline BM05. The aim of LAAAMP is to open exciting research and training opportunities in crystallography and the utilisation of synchrotron light sources in developing regions of the world.