FAME-UHD, the French Absorption spectroscopy beamline in Material and Environmental sciences at Ultra-High Dilution, is dedicated to high energy resolution fluorescence detected x-ray absorption spectroscopy (HERFD-XAS) for structural investigation of ultra-diluted samples. The key element of the beamline is thus a crystal analyser spectrometer, which enables XANES analyses at concentrations as low as 1ppm and EXAFS at 10ppm.
- Environmental Sciences
- Earth and Planetary Sciences
- Chemistry
- Life Sciences
- Physics
- Materials and Engineering
- Cultural Heritage
- EXAFS - extended X-ray absorption fine structure
- XAFS - X-ray absorption fine structure
- XANES - X-ray absorption near-edge structure
- XAS - X-ray absorption spectroscopy
- XES - X-ray emission spectroscopy
- XRF - X-ray fluorescence
Energy range
- 4.8 - 20.0 keV
Beam size
- Minimum (H x V) : 200.0 x 100.0 µm²
- Maximum (H x V) : 200.0 x 100.0 µm²
Sample environments
- Large volume high-pressure/high-temperature vessel (0-1500 bars; 20-1200°C)
- Operando catalysis reactor with remote gas control system
- Liquid helium cryostat (5-300K)
- Crystal analyzer spectrometer (+XPAD or Ketek) for high-resolution fluorescence measurement
- Si diodes (Hamamatsu) for monitoring and transmitted intensity measurements
- Silicon drift detector (Vortex) for fluorescence measurement