Dates Wednesday 6 February 2019, 8:30 - 16:00
Venue ESRF Auditorium
Scientific Organisers

UOC Organisers: Beatrice Ruta, Oier Bikondoa

ESRF Organisers: Steven Leake, Vincent Favre-Nicolin, Yuriy Chushkin

Keynote Speakers

Christian Gutt - Universität Siegen, Germany

Alain Gibaud - Université du Maine, France

Marie-Ingrid Richard - Université Aix-Marseille, France

Administrative Assistant  Eva Jahn-Feppon


Aim & Scope

Synchrotron radiation provides state of the art X-ray scattering methods for the study of materials and processes over a wide range of disciplines, including physics, material-science, chemistry, biology, and engineering. During the past two decades, the availability of intense coherent X-rays has allowed development of novel techniques to yield quantitative,  high-resolution information for both structural and dynamics studies.

Among the techniques used, X-ray Photon Correlation Spectroscopy probes the relaxation processes occurring in the material, while Coherent Diffraction Imaging and Ptychography allow electron density and morphology determination from nano- to micro-objects. These two latter techniques can also be used in Bragg geometry to study lattice distortions in crystalline samples at sub-angstrom resolution and hence give access to individual defects.

Coherent scattering techniques will highly benefit from the enhanced coherence of the Extremely Brilliant Source (ESRF-EBS) upgrade, and therefore will improve their  capabilities for both imaging and dynamics. All these techniques are exploited in diverse applied fields, such as microelectronics, metallurgy, glasses, biominerals, biology, catalysis, etc...

The aim of the meeting is to present new results exploiting coherent X-rays. An emphasis will be put on progress in quantitative analysis, and the tools which are available to ensure that a wide community of ESRF users will be able to take advantage of the ESRF-EBS coherent properties.