Resonant Inelastic X-ray Scattering Workshop
 Dates:  29 June - 1 July
 Venue:  ESRF Auditorium


Organising Committee:

Nick Brookes (ESRF)
Giacomo Ghiringhelli (Milano)
Pieter Glatzel (ESRF)
Giulio Monaco (ESRF)
Administrative Assistant:

Eva Jahn (ESRF)

Aim of the workshop

This workshop aims to bring together the hard and soft x-ray communities using the technique of resonant inelastic x-ray scattering to study electronic and magnetic excitations. It also aims to attract researchers using complementary techniques like optical Raman spectroscopy, electron energy loss spectroscopy, inelastic neutron scattering, absorption spectroscopy etc.

The Workshop is open to all participants and requests for oral or poster contributions are welcome.

A preliminary programme will be available soon.

The workshop will start on Monday, 29 June at 8:30 for the registration and will end at 12:30 on Wednesday, 1 July. The poster session will take place on Tuesday evening.


speakers' abstracts

poster abstracts
