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SYNEMAG 2012_presentation
Workshop on Synchrotron and Neutron Applications of High Magnetic Fields
Grenoble - October 17-19, 2012
Speaker Presentations
- Dai Aoki (CEA-France and IMR, Tohoku University, Japan)
High field properties of uranium ferromagnetic superconductors - Tsuyoshi Kimura (Osaka University, Japan)
Observation of Spin-chiral Domains in Multiferroic Hexaferrites by Scanning Resonant X-ray Microdiffraction - Martin Mourigal (Johns Hopkins University, USA)
Neutron Scattering from quantum and frustrated spin-chains - Geert Rikken (LNCMI, France)
High magnetic fields for X-ray and neutron scattering experiments - Oliver Stockert (MPI, Dresden, Germany)
Quantum criticality in heavy-fermion compounds: effect of magnetic field - Claudio Mazzoli (Politecnico di Milano, Italy)
Resonant Elastic X-ray Scattering and Neutron Scattering investigation of Magneto-Electric materials - D. Gorbunov (Institute of Physics Prague, Czech Republic)
Magnetization and magnetoacoustics of HoFe5Al7 single crystal in high magnetic fields - Ted Forgan (University of Birmingham, UK)
Hard X-ray diffraction in fields up to 17 Tesla used for direct observation of competition between superconductivity and charge density wave order in YBa2Cu3O6.67 - Giuseppe Portale (ESRF and NWO)
Structure and Magnetic alignment of self-assembled rod-coil molecular aggregates - Béatrice Grenier (CEA)
- Cornelius Strohm (ESRF, France)
X-ray spectroscopy in pulsed high magnetic fields - Alan D. Tennant (HZB, Berlin, Germany)
Magnetic fields and Fractional Phases - Andrey Zheludev (ETHZ, Switzerland)
Magnetizing a perfect quantum spin ladder - Kate Ross (Mc Master University, Canada)
Spin Hamiltonians determined for Er2Ti2O7 and Yb2Ti2O7 through high-field inelastic neutron scattering - Christian Rüegg (PSI, Switzerland)
Magnetic field controlled phases in a frustated quantum spin ladder - Pascal Manuel (ISIS, UK)
Magnetic diffraction and diffuse scattering at high magnetic fields at ISIS - Tetsuya Nakamura (Spring8, Japan)
High magnetic field soft-X-ray spectroscopy and its application to element-specific magnetic analysis - Hiroyuki Nojiri (IMR, Tohoku University, Japan)
Exploring new magnetic field induced states by combining neutron diffraction and XMCD
The last ten years have seen a growing interest for the combined use of high magnetic field and synchrotron or neutron sources. Several large-scale projects, offering the opportunity to measure in high magnetic fields up to 40 T at advanced sources, have been spawned worldwide motivated by the discovery of new compounds with spectacular or exotic properties driven by different electronic correlation effects.
The aim of the workshop is to bring together the communities of scientists investigating (or willing to investigate) condensed matter by techniques combining high magnetic fields and synchrotron or neutron facilities.
The workshop will be the occasion for the presentation of the recent scientific breakthroughs and instrumental developments performed in the area. It will give the opportunity to evaluate the state of the art, identify ongoing and future projects and the need for further developments.
The workshop is supported by EuroMagNet II (www.euromagnet2.eu), the EMFL (www.emfl.eu), the ESRF (www.esrf.eu), the ILL (www.ill.eu) and the CEA-Grenoble (inac.cea.fr).
Organizing committee
Laurent Chapon (ILL, GRENOBLE)
Carsten Detlefs (ESRF, GRENOBLE)
Fabienne Duc (LNCMI, TOULOUSE)
Louis Pierre Regnault (CEA, GRENOBLE)
Christian Vettier (ESRF, GRENOBLE)
Scientific advisory committee
C. Broholm (Johns Hopkins University, USA)
A. Hiess (The European Spallation Source, Sweden)
S. Langridge (ISIS, United Kingdom)
H. Nojiri (Institute for Materials Research, Japan)
K. Prokes (Helmoltz-Zentrum Berlin, Germany)
G. Rikken (Laboratoire National des Champs Magnétiques Intenses, France)
T. Ziman (Institut Laue Langevin, France)
Administrative Coordinators
Brigitte Dubouloz, ILL (dubouloz@ill.fr)
Fabienne Mengoni, ESRF (synemag@esrf.fr)
Amélie Pic, LNCMI (Amelie.Pic@lncmi.cnrs.fr)
Aline Schwoob, LNCMI, Grenoble(Aline.Schwoob@lncmi.cnrs.fr)