Time-Resolved and In-Situ Study of Heterogeneous Catalysts and Catalytic Processes
using X-rays:

Current Possibilites and Future Prospects

Dates: 5th & 7th February, 2008
Venue: Chadwick Amphitheatre - ILL
Scientific Organising Committee: Mark Newton, ID24, ESRF
Valérie Roux-Jallet, Indust. & commercial unit ESRF
Roberto Felici (SXRD and GISAXS), ID03, ESRF
Administrative Assistant: Claudine Brun, Eva Jahn 


Aim of the Workshop


The aim of this workshop is to critically assess the current and future capabilities of synchrotron based X-ray techniques to the time-resolved and in-situ study of heterogeneous catalysts and catalytic processes. From powder diffraction, and working by way of SAXS/WAXS, through high pressure photoemission, to X-ray absorption spectroscopies, we will consider X-ray approaches that potentially provide temporal windows into catalytic behavior in the 1 millisecond to ca. 1 minute regime. Each approach will be given an up-to-date overview, and will be followed by catalytic case studies demonstrating how they may be applied to studying such problems, often in tandem with other complementary techniques. A final section will discuss some of the emerging possibilities and methodologies that could further advance our ability to study and comprehend these many facetted materials and the processes they mediate.