Beamline ID15B is dedicated to the determination of structural properties of solids at high pressure using angle-dispersive-diffraction with diamond anvil cells.
- Physics
- Earth and Planetary Sciences
- Materials and Engineering
- Chemistry
- Fundamental physics
- New materials
- Earth science
- Chemistry
- Mineralogy
- Energy research
- Diffuse X-ray scattering
- Powder diffraction
- Single-crystal diffraction
Energy range
- 30.0 keV
Beam size
- Minimum (H x V) : 5.0 x 5.0 µm²
- Maximum (H x V) : 30.0 x 30.0 µm²
Sample environments
- Membrane-type diamond anvil cells (0-60 GPa)
- Automatic pressure controller
- Liquid He cooled cryostat to perform high pressure experiments at low temperatures (down to 10K)
- External resistive heating equipment for high temperatures up to 600K
- External Nd-YAG laser system for high temperature annealing of samples inside the diamond anvil cell
- Large area EIGER2 X 9M CdTe (340x370 mm) flat panel detector
- In-situ ruby fluorescence measurement for pressure determination
- In-situ Raman spectrometer
Technical details
The beam from an in-vacuum U20 insertion device is focused by vertical and horizontal transfocator and monochromatized by Si(111) Bragg monochromator. The working energy for high pressure experiments is 30 keV with a flux of 1012 photons/s at 200 mA resulting in typical exposure times of 1 sec. The beam size on the sample is about 30 x 30 µm2 but can be made as small as 5 x 5 µm2 for megabar pressure experiments.