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Misalignments at BM29
If you think that the backstop is misaligned, go to EXP spec section and tape for example "mvr bsy 0.1" to move it in horizontal direction by 0.1 mm in positive (= to the right if looking along the beam), or "mvr bsz -0.1" to move the beamstop by 0.1 mm down. Be sure what you are doing!!! Always take a test image to see the modifications.
Sample (i.e. capillary) can be moved for example (again in EXP spec) by "mvr sy 1" - in horizontal direction by 1 mm (can be useful if capillary too dirty when the beam is passing) and by "mvr sz 0.2" - in vertical up by 0.2 mm (if capilary is scattering on its wall).
Beam defining slits (sm**) and beam cleaning slits (s1** and s2**) can be re-adjusted by commands like: EXP> mvr s1vt 0.02, which will translate slit 1 verticaly (keep the same gap) by 20 microns.