Electrochemistry Laboratory
The Electrochemistry lab was refurbished during Phase I of the ESRF upgrade programme. The lab is located in the ESRF-LOB building: LOB-023.
It is equipped with two fume hoods and can host more than one user group simultaneously. Standard laboratory equipment (ultrapure water, heating/stirring plates, balance, glassware, ultrasonic bath, potentiostat, pH meter, reference electrodes, annealing torch for surface preparation) and consumables are available.
A glove-box dedicated to Li-ion battery research is also available. The glove-box was purchased within the framework of a joint project together with the BM01 and BM26 beamlines, and the Delft University, The Netherlands.
The Electrochemistry Laboratory is located in LOB-023 (ground floor)
How to use the Electrochemistry Lab
The use of the Electrochemistry Lab is open to ESRF users. The Electrochemistry is manned by the ID31 beamline staff and its access can be demanded using the A-form.
If you wish to use the Electrochemistry lab, please provide detailed information on points (1) and (2) below, and fill in your User Declaration Form(s) (3) at least 15 working days before the starting date of your experiment:
(1) Intended manipulations at the laboratory (give relevant key-words or a concise description).
(2) Chemicals/equipment/consumables needed. (Any "Risk Analysis" or "Description of Experimental Set-up" which you may already have sent to the Safety Group is irrelevant for answering (1) and (2)).
(3) "User Declaration Form: Use of the Electrochemistry Lab" (word document) and "EC-Lab Experimental Form" (word document). Please download these forms as soon as possible. The "User Declaration Form" has to be duly filled in and signed by the appropriate person (one form per affiliation, please). Please indicate clearly the period when you need the laboratory on your form. For obvious reasons, a complete set of information is required for processing your request. If you have any additional questions related to your experiment, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Access to the ID31 Electrochemistry Laboratory
To access the Electrochemistry lab, you will be given a key (badge) on arrival at the ESRF/ID31 beamline. There is only one key per user group, so please share it with your collaborators during the approved period (experiment preparation and beamtime). Contact Valentin Vinci (Tel. 2231) for the badge.