The ESRF-EBS Workshop on “Emerging synchrotron techniques for characterization of energy materials and devices” took place at the ESRF 23-25 September 2019.

Featuring 8 invited speakers*, 14 oral contributors and a total of about 100 participants from European Union, Algeria, Morocco, Brazil, Canada, India and Russia, the scientific scope of the workshop dealt with energy materials and devices and related applications of established and emerging synchrotron techniques for their structural characterization.

The scientific presentations from the invited speakers, oral and poster contributors were of outstanding quality and covered a number of high profile technological topics relevant to modern society, and were drawn from work carried out on all the beamlines active in the energy sector. They stimulated exchange among users and ESRF beamline staff for investigating new opportunities in experiments that can follow and profit at best of the ESRF EBS upgrade.

With the ESRF EBS upgrade, experiments will gain in time resolution, spatial resolution and complexity of the materials, which can be studied. Furthermore, multi technique (in-situ and operando) experiments will become essential for understanding and optimizing properties over many length scales. If the amount of data produced at ESRF beamlines has already been a challenge for the users, this will be even more the case after the upgrade, and users highlighted the growing need for support and software for data reduction and analysis/modelling.


The scientific organizers of the workshop:

Michela Brunelli (DUBBLE/ESRF), Dmitry Chernyshov (SNBL/ESRF), Marco di Michiel (ESRF), Alexander Rack (ESRF), Wouter van Beek (SNBL/ESRF), Gavin Vaughan (ESRF)

assisted by Marion Glückert and Deborah Davison.


*Invited speakers: A. M. Beale, University College London, UK; B. C. Hauback, Institute for Energy Technology (IFE), Kjeller, Norway; P. Hutchins, Prism Scientific Limited, UK; O. Oeckler, University of Leipzig, Germany; W. Lee Queen, EPFL, LFIM, Switzerland; P. Shearing, University College London, UK; J. Steele, KU Leuven, Belgium; D. Wragg, University of Oslo, Norway