Scientific Organisers Dr. Barbara Fayard (UOC representative)
Dr. Joseph Brunet (UCL)
Dr. Hector Dejea (ESRF)
Prof. Peter Lee (UCL)
Dr. Paul Tafforeau (ESRF)
Xue Ruikang (UCL)
Dr. Claire Walsh (UCL)
Keynote Speakers Prof. Anastasia Yendiki, Havard Medical School & Massachussetts General Hospital
Prof. Stijn Verleden, University Hospital Antwerp
Prof. Jon Sporring, University of Copenhagen
Administrative Assistant Luce Chabert
Venue  |  Format CIBB Meeting room


Note: If you would like to participate in UDM4 and couldn't register because the maximum capacity of participants had already been reached, please contact the organisers at


The symposium "UDM4 - Introduction to the ESRF HOAHub: creating an Atlas of Human Organs in health, ageing and disease" is designed to provide the aims of the HOAHub to the user community through a series of keynote talks describing the types of scientific/technological challenges that can be tackled thanks to the development of Hierarchical Phase-Contrast Tomography (HIP-CT). In addition, the symposium will include a round table, where users can discuss with experienced staff whether their challenges can be tackled through the HOAHub. The symposium will conclude with a tour of the facility and a demonstration on how to obtain and visualize data from our public Human Organ Atlas (
