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ESRF takes part in major European projects


As part of the European Union's research and innovation programme, Horizon 2020, the ESRF is set to play a significant role in several major projects that were launched this autumn.


The European Cluster of Advanced Laser Light Sources (EUCALL) is a three-year long €7m project designed to foster closer collaboration between major X-ray sources and advanced laser facilities for the benefit of users. The project will be managed by the European XFEL, the X-ray free electron laser in Germany that is due to switch on in 2017, with the ESRF and the Extreme Light Infrastructure in the Czech Republic, Hungary and Romania playing key roles.

The second project is a four-year long, €4.5m effort to develop high-power diamond electronic devices, which could help to reduce the huge energy losses associated with electrical power transmission and transport. The ESRF is one of 14 institutes involved in the "Green Diamond" project, and will play a vital role in characterising the diamond material that will be used by the other partners (

NFFA-EUROPE (12M€) sets out to implement the first integrated, distributed research infrastructure as a platform supporting comprehensive user projects for multidisciplinary research at the nanoscale extending from synthesis and nanolithography to nanocharacterization, theoretical modelling and numerical simulation, through a coordinated open-access to complementary facilities. The integration and the extension of scope of existing specialized infrastructures within an excellence network of knowledge and know-how will enable a large number of researchers from diverse disciplines to carry out advanced proposals impacting science and innovation. The full suite of key infrastructures for nanoscience will become, through the NFFA-EUROPE project, accessible to a broader community extended to research actors operating at different levels of the value chain, including SMEs and applied research, that are currently missing the benefits of these enabling technologies. The ESRF is involved in several Joint Research Activities (JRA) and in coordinating the networking activity. Nanoscience foundries & fine analysis ( website.