164 ESRF
Multiscale investigation of adsorption properties of novel 3D printed UTSA-16 structures, C.A. Grande (a), R. Blom (a), V. Middelkoop (b), D. Matras (c), A. Vamvakeros (c,d), S.D. Jacques (c), A.M. Beale (c,e,f), M. Di Michiel (d), K.A. Andreassen (a) and A.M. Bouzga (a),
Chem. Eng. J. 402, 126166 (2020); (a) SINTEF Industry, Oslo (Norway) (b) Vlaamse Instelling voor Technologisch Onderzoek VITO, Mol (Belgium) (c) Finden, Harwell Campus, Oxfordshire (UK)
(d) ESRF (e) Department of Chemistry, University College London UCL, London (UK) (f) Research Complex at Harwell, Harwell Science and Innovation Campus, Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, Didcot (UK)
Metal-organic frameworks (MOFs) are known as next-generation adsorbents and catalysts. The combination of organic and inorganic chemistry offers a virtually infinite number of possible materials that can be tailored to a vast range of different applications.
Metal-specific biomaterial accumulation in human peri-implant bone and bone marrow, J. Schoon (a,b,c), B. Hesse (d,e), A. Rakow (b,f), M.J. Ort (a,b,c), A. Lagrange (d,g), D. Jacobi (a,b), A. Winter (h), K. Huesker (i), S. Reinke (a,b), M. Cotte (e,j), R. Tucoulou (e), U. Marx (h), C. Perka (b,f), G.N. Duda (a,b,c) and S. Geißler (a,b,c), Adv. Sci. (Weinh) 7, 2000412 (2020);
(a) Julius Wolff Institute, Charité - Universitätsmedizin Berlin (Germany) (b) Berlin Institute of Health Center for Regenerative Therapies (Germany) (c) Berlin-Brandenburg School for Regenerative Therapies (Germany) (d) Xploraytion GmbH, Berlin (Germany) (e) ESRF (f) Center for Musculoskeletal Surgery, Charité - Universitätsmedizin Berlin (Germany)
(g) Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Technische Universität Berlin (Germany) (h) TissUse GmbH, Berlin (Germany) (i) Endocrinology and Immunology Department, Institute for Medical Diagnostics Berlin (Germany) (j) CNRS, Laboratoire d archéologie moléculaire et structurale, Sorbonne Université Paris (France)
Fig. 142: 3D-printed UTSA-16 monolith
(bottom) and XRD-CT reconstructed map of
peak intensities for the (101) reflection showing active site
distribution and structural evolution of
UTSA-16 MOF under a CO2 stream (top).
The thermal scale bar indicates correlation between pixel colour
and peak intensity.
a paradigm shift, considering bone and bone marrow as the relevant organs for pre-clinical
testing and post-clinical risk-benefit evaluation of orthopedic biomaterials.
The industrial utilisation of MOFs requires that the powder is shaped into larger bodies that can be properly handled. Using inadequate shaping processes can result in undesired modifications to the original properties of the material. Testing new shaping methods, such as 3D printing, is central to assessing the fidelity of the final properties of the shaped material: MOF distribution, crystallinity and, more importantly, its adsorption properties.
The change in crystal lattice upon adsorption of CO2 in a 3D printed monolith with cobalt- MOF material, was studied by in-situ X-ray diffraction computed tomography (XRD-CT) measurements carried out at beamline ID15A using a monochromatic beam with an energy of 90 keV focused to a spot size of 40 μm × 20 μm (horizontal × vertical). The XRD-CT scans were collected using a zigzag approach over a total angular range of 180° in steps of 0.721° (i.e., 250 angular steps) combined with translational steps of 40 μm (with a total number of 320 steps across 12.8 mm) using a Pilatus3 X CdTe 2 M detector (Figure 142). The study provides a valuable example of how this methodology can be universally applied to the development of new shaped catalysts and adsorbents and optimisation of both their chemical and physical forms.