Scientific Organisers

UOC Organisers:
Karsten Küpper, University of Osnabrück, Germany

ESRF Organisers:
Fabrice Wilhelm
Kristina Kvashnina

Keynote Speakers

Sergei M. Butorin, Uppsala University, Sweden
Roberto G. M. Caciuffo, Joint Research Centre, European Commission, Karlsruhe, Germany
Stepan N. Kalmykov , Moscow State University, Russia
Kasper S. Pedersen, Technical University of Denmark, Kgs. Lyngby, Denmark
Alexander B. Shick, Institute of Physics, Prague, Czech Republic

Administrative Assistant Eva Jahn-Feppon
Contact udm3-um21@esrf.fr
Format Zoom Webinar
Replay the talks:   Replay the UDM3 talks CACIUFFO Roberto - Actinide Research with Hard Synchrotron Radiation


Aim & Scope

Actinide materials exhibit many unique and diverse physical, chemical and magnetic properties, in large part because of the complexity of their 5f electronic structure. This microsymposium will focus upon the physics, chemistry, and materials science in Actinide based materials, driven by the 5f electrons as revealed by the use of advanced synchrotron based techniques: X-ray spectroscopy (XAS, XMCD, HERFD, RIXS etc…) and X-ray scattering (diffraction, reflectivity, tomography, etc...). Of particular importance are the issues related to the environmental science, covering oxidation, corrosion, intermixing and stability of actinides materials in extreme environments. In parallel with synchrotron-radiation-based experimental investigations, computational simulations and theoretical studies are also planned to be a part of the microsymposium. With all these we aimed at pushing forward the frontiers of applicability of the X-ray spectroscopy and scattering methods to physical, chemical and materials related problems of actinides and to demonstrate the unique possibility offered by those experimental techniques to shed light on previously inaccessible aspects of the complex structure-electronic-magnetic interrelation in actinides materials.