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G-RAD Workshop - Grenoble Radiation Testing of semiconductor devices and systems


G-RAD 2020: A workshop on the effects of radiation in semiconductor devices organised by the IRT NANOELEC. The first edition of G-RAD will take place virtually on 9-10 December 2020, between 9:00 am to 5:30 pm.


G-RAD is a unique event dedicated to radiation activities. It is led by the Technological Research Institute IRT Nanoelec, an innovation accelerator for the microelectronics industry. As part of its activities, and in association with European Synchrotron ESRF, the Institute Laue Langevin (ILL) (an international research centre at the leading edge of neutron science and technology), The Laboratory of Subatomic Physics and Cosmology (LPSC) and the French Alternative Energies and Atomic Energy Commision (CEA) , IRT Nanoelec created the Platform for Advanced Characterisation Grenoble (PAC-G) .

G-RAD is supported by PAC-G with the participation of ESRF, ILL, LPSC, RADSAGA (Radiation and reliability challenges for electronics used in Space, Aviation, Ground and Accelerators), CERN (European Council for Nuclear Research), IROC Technologies (CNRS spin-off) and the RADECS (Radiation and its Effects on Components and Systems) association, a non-profit professional organisation that promotes fundamental and applied research in the field of radiation and its effects on materials, components and systems.

These two days will bring together a panel of irradiation experts around conferences in English.

The aim of this first edition is to bring together test facilities and experts in irradiation activities with stakeholders from industry and academia. These meetings will stimulate discussion on the current and future needs for radiation hardness testing and assess the limits of available radiation facilities and their possible developments.

The complete programme is available here:

Registration is done directly online at:

Top image: G-RAD Logo