        Experiments/Matter at Extremes
        Office: Sector 07 1-03
(+33) (0)4 76 88 23-18

The main focus of my research as an expert in experimental petrology and geochemistry with additional knowledge in experimental mineral physics gained during my previous position as a Marie Curie Research Fellow at the European Synchrotron in Grenoble, France is to continue to systematically and strategically understand Earth’s deep mantle processes, both chemical and physical, and their impact on the Earth’s volatile fluxes, magmatism, volcanism, deformation processes and seismology. 


Recent Marie Skłodowska-Curie Individual Fellowship "ELASTIC"

The effect of Fe, Al and Ti on the density, elasticity and the post-stishovite transition of eclogitic H2Obearing stishovite: Implications on the observability of seismic anomalies in Earth’s mantle
(Link to PDF).

Silicon dioxide or silica occurs in nature as several distinct polymorphs, with quartz in sand being the most common. At high pressures and temperatures, stishovite and, later, post-stishovite form as very dense polymorphs and are the chief water-bearing silicate phases in subducted oceanic crust (eclogite) as it descends into the vast and inaccessible layers of the Earth's deep mantle. The aims of the EU-funded ELASTIC project are to establish the effect of the incorporation of defects typical of eclogitic systems (Al, Ti, Fe, OH) on the high-pressure-temperature phase diagram, density, structure and elasticity of defective stishovite. This will be completed by the application of high-tech methods using the large volume press at the European Synchrotron Radiation Facility. The results will allow improvements to fundamental models used to predict and determine seismic anomalies caused by recycled subducted material through the Earth's mantle, particularly in the upper part of the lower mantle.



In Google Scholar.