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LaueNN: Neural-network-based hkl recognition of Laue spots and its application to polycrystalline materials


LaueNN: Neural-network-based hkl recognition of Laue spots and its application to polycrystalline materials


LaueNN: Neural-network-based hkl recognition of Laue spots and its application to polycrystalline materials

A feed-forward neural-network-based model is presented to index, in real time, the diffraction spots recorded during synchrotron X-ray Laue microdiffraction experiments. Data dimensionality reduction is applied to extract physical 1D features from the 2D X-ray diffraction Laue images, thereby making it possible to train a neural network on the fly for any crystal system. The capabilities of the LaueNN model are illustrated through three examples: a two-phase nano­structure, a textured high-symmetry specimen deformed in situ and a polycrystalline low-symmetry material. This work provides a novel way to efficiently index Laue spots in simple and complex recorded images in <1 s, thereby opening up avenues for the realization of real-time analysis of synchrotron Laue diffraction data.


Purushottam Raj Purohit R.R.P., Tardif S., Castelnau O., Eymery J., Guinebretière R., Robach O., Ors T., Micha J.S. - LaueNN: Neural-network-based hkl recognition of Laue spots and its application to polycrystalline materials


Journal of Applied Crystallography55, 737-750 (2022)