XMCD end-station
A custom built high-field superconducting magnet integrated with an in-situ sample preparation system. This end-station is designed for x-ray magnetic circular and linear dichroism experiments (XMCD/XMLD).
High-Field Magnet
This custom built magnet was designed especially for Soft X-ray XMCD and XMLD measurements. The magnetic field of 9 Tesla along the beam direction can be ramped at 8 Tesla per minute, and a magnetic field of 4 Tesla perpendicular to the beam direction can be ramped at 2 Tesla per minute. However, we typically ramp at 3T/min along the beam and 1T/min perpendicular to the beam, though we can adjust the rate depending on the required fields and the experimental need.
The sample is vacuum-mounted onto a LHe variable temperature insert that can reach ~6 K, but should be improved in the near future to ~3K, and can go up to 325K. This insert can be rotated over 360 degrees about the vertical axis. The sample space is ultra-high vacuum (10-10 to 10-11 mbar base pressure with sample at room temperature), obtained by cryo-pumping of the liquid helium can. Absorption spectra can be simultaneously measured in drain current and total fluorescence yield mode, and if requested in transmission.
Sample Preparation

Ex-Situ Samples |
Thin Films |
Molecules & Low Vapour Pressure Materials |
Omicron VT-STM |
User Port |
Sample Storage |
XES spectrometer

Sample Holder Type 1: Plate Screwed into Shuttle

Sample Holder Type 2: Omicron Plate Slid into Shuttle

Sample size
For more information please contact the beamline staff and/or see the following publication.
The high-field magnet endstation for X-ray magnetic dichroism experiments at ESRF soft X-ray beamline ID32
K. Kummer, A. Fondacaro, E. Jimenez, E. Velez-Fort, A. Amorese, M. Aspbury, F. Yakhou-Harris, P. van der Linden, N. B. Brookes
Journal of Synchrotron Radiation 23, 464 (2016). DOI