Current Staff Members

Name Function Area of Expertise Picture Ext Office
Olivier MATHON Scientist in charge of BM23  -  Coordinator of BM23/ID24 unit Condensed Matter Physics Instrumentation (Optics, XAS) 25-61 Sect.26 1-02
Thomas BUSLAPS BeamLine Operation Manager Condensed Matter Physics Instrumentation (Optics, XAS) 26-84 Sect.14 1-20
Nicolas SEVELIN RADIGUET HPLF laser engineer Lasers and optics 28-53 Sect.26 1-01
Kirill LOMACHENKO Scientist in charge of ID24-DCM Materials Science and Catalysis 19-14 Sect.26 1-06
Angelika ROSA Scientist in charge of extreme conditions Geochemistry 19-75 Sect.26 1-04
Raffaella TORCHIO Scientist in charge of ID24-ED and HPLF facility

Extreme conditions of P, T; 3d Metals and alloys

29-06 Sect.26 1-05
Sébastien PASTERNAK Technician Mechanics 25-51 Sect.26 1-04
Florian PERRIN Technician Electronics and Control 21-66 Sect.26 1-03
David BUGNAZET Technician Mechanics 21-66 Sect.26 1-03
Joao Elias FIGUEIREDO SOARES RODRIGUES PostDoc High pressure 19-22 Sect.26 1-05
Cesare ATZORI PostDoc Chemistry 19-71 Sect.26 1-06
Jean Alexis HERNANDEZ Scientist Dynamic compression 40-46 Sect.26 1-01
Sofia BALUGANI PhD student Dynamic compression 28-26 Sect.18 1-27
Anastasia MOLOKOVA PhD student Chemistry 22-97 Sect.18 1-27


ESRF support

Name Contact Picture Ext Office
Gilles BERRUYER Technical support software