
Perform the calibration procedure or load a calibration .poni file already created. Check whether "Fit2d parameters" are OK.


Masked regions define which areas will be excluded from integration or calibration. It is possible to mask by selecting a variety of geometries or based on threshold values. 2D detector at the ID06 LVP beamline produces images with "chips" that can be excluded. The fastest way is to use the Threshold method. Load .edf / .tiff file: go to "Integration" (left side) and click "Load Image(s)" (you should be in an "Image" mode).

Choose any .edf / .tiff file from the data (usually the first one). Dioptas shows a 2-D image of the data scan (left side) and its integrated 1-D profile (bottom right). Click "Change View" (bottom left) to arrange all menus and figures in a more suitable way.

All tools are available on the right control panel in the "Mask" view. Please insert the wanted number next to the "Below Thresh" button (by default "0" works fine) and then click this button. You can increase a masked area by clicking the "Grow" button.

Masked regions are marked red. The "Clear" button will remove the complete mask. The "Undo"/"Redo" buttons enable you to undo the last action or redo them. You can save the mask ("Save mask") and use it again later ("Load mask").

After that, go back to an "Integration" view and click on the "Mask" button (bottom left). It applies the mask to all image files you open.


Go to "Pattern" menu (top right) and tick "autocreate", ".chi" (unclick other formats if needed). Choose a directory where integrated data will be stored (I suggest creating a "chi" folder in a data directory).

Go back to the "Image" menu (top right) and click "Load Image(s)".  In an opened window, select all the .edf/.tiff files in a directory and press open. Dioptas should start the integration process, and a small status window should appear. Integration is finished.