SC collision
The sample changer is very sensitive to mechanical shocks and can falsely assume a collision. If this is the case, just follow the instructions on the screen
If a real collision took place:
- try to follow the instructions on the screen;
- if an interlock error occurs (typically the Z-motor) disable the interlocks;
- remove the cover of the sample changer and re-bend the needle if necessary;
if the needle is damaged, replacement needles can be found with the sample changer equipment in the cupboard behind the X-ray tube in Experimental hutch, to replace the needle:
- remove the cover of the sample changer,
- remove the cable at the top and unscrew the needle,
- exchange the needle, re-screw and put the cable back;
- try a scan and park, if necessary use calibration needle option;
- if the needle position is still incorrect, reopen the lid and try to center the needle;
- note the collision in the beamline logbook.