ID13 is dedicated to high-spatial-resolution diffraction and scattering experiments using focused monochromatic x-ray beams. Two endstations, a microbranch and a nanobranch, are operated in serial mode.
- Life Sciences
- Materials and Engineering
- Environmental Sciences
- Earth and Planetary Sciences
- Chemistry
- Physics
- Cultural Heritage
- Medicine
- Hierarchically structured materials
- Biological fibers and tissues (bio-materials, bio-medical applications)
- Polymer research
- Food science
- Earth and planetary science
- Nano-composites
- Semiconductors
- Nano-structures
- Nanobeam x-ray optics
- MicroXRF - micro X-ray fluorescence
- Microbeam
- Microcrystallography
- Ptychography
- SAXS - small-angle X-ray scattering
- XRD - X-ray diffraction
Energy range
- 7.0 - 30.0 keV
Beam size
- Minimum (H x V) : 100.0 x 100.0 nm²
- Maximum (H x V) : 20.0 x 20.0 µm²
Sample environments
- Humdidity control for small samples (< 1 mm^3)
- Nano-Calorimetry
- Micro-fluidics
- Low temperature (90K, liquid-nitrogen-based cryostream, microbranch only)
- Dectris EigerX 4M (2070 x 2167 pixel, 75 micron pixel size)
- Maxipix 2x2 four-element pixel detector (516 x 516 pixel, 55 micron pixel size)
- 2 VortexEM XRF detectors (on permanent loan from Ghent University)
Technical details
The available beam parameters such as spot size, divergence, and flux vary with the incident photon energy (e.g. highest flux available close to standard energies 13 keV). In SAXS with nanobeam scanning, minimum q is coupled with beam size. Various combinations of scanning mode, beam size, and fluorescence mode are available depending on the technique chosen.