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New Deadline Time for Proposal Submission Deadline 2025-I


The next ESRF proposal submission deadline is on Tuesday 10th September at 17:00 hrs (French/Central European Summer Time). A new deadline time and new proposal submission tools are in place for the first time for this new proposal round!

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The next ESRF proposal submission deadline is on

Tuesday 10th September at 17:00 hrs
(French/Central European Summer Time)

The deadline time has been changed from midnight to 5pm on the day of the deadline so make sure your proposals are in before the new deadline! Note that the new deadline time is in working hours and that proposal submission will not be accepted after this date/time.

The access modes available for this deadline are:

  • Standard proposals:
    for beamtime in the 2025-I scheduling period (March to July 2025)
  • BAG and MX BAG proposals:
    for beamtime in the 2025-I and 2025-II scheduling periods (March 2025 to February 2026)

Proposals will be submitted using the new ESRF User Portal tools. Since the new proposal form and sample sheets will not be familiar to you, we urge you not to wait for the deadline to write or to submit your proposal.

Important: all users who will be Principal or Co-Investigator on a proposal MUST create and update their "My Publications" list in their User Portal profile otherwise their ESRF publications will not appear in the proposal and this will affect its review.
To do this, click on the "My Profile/Accounts" tab and then on "My Publications", and follow the instructions to link your ESRF publications in the ESRF Library database with your User Portal account. Only publications from the past 4 years will appear in proposals so these are the most urgent to add.
Details on creating your "My Publications" list and how they are used in proposals and reports are available here.

We remind you to ensure that you associate the relevant proposal number(s) and ESRF beamline(s) to your ESRF publications when registering them in the ESRF Library database as this information will be used for automatic reporting in the future (and already now for MX-BAG annual reports).

The beamline status for this proposal deadline can be found here. You are strongly encouraged to contact the beamline managers to discuss your proposal before submission.

For more information on applying for ESRF beamtime, please read the recently updated information and instructions: Applying for Beamtime Webpage

Please also ensure you use the recently updated templates for your project description: Templates

Please contact the ESRF User Office if you have any questions.