Summary Report of Meeting "X-ray Spectroscopy Detectors for Present Future Synchrotron Storage rings: Opportunities for Horizon 2020"
- Innovation opportunities in H2020 for developing partnerships between industrial providers and synchrotrons - Sylvie Niessen & Jean-Pierre Caminade - PDF here
The Cern ATTRACT initiative - Marzio Nessi - PDF here
X-ray detectors for the rest of us - Alexander Simionovici - PDF here
Experience with the Color X-Ray at the BAMline - Martin Radtke - PDF here
Solid state energy resolved detectors for XAFS measurements: limits and issues for present and future applications - Emiliano Fonda - PDF here
Spectroscopy detector systems at Diamond Light Source - Nicola Tartoni - PDF here
Spectroscopy detector needs for X-ray nanoprobes with the ESRF Upgrade - Peter Cloetens - PDF here
The Maia detector at PETRA III P06 - Gerald Falkenberg - PDF here
ARDESIA: an X-ray Spectroscopy detection system for synchrotron experiments based on arrays of Silicon Drift Detectors - Carlo Fiorini - PDF here
High speed imaging and spectroscopy with X-rays - Lothar Strüder - PDF here
RIXSCam, a sub-pixel high resolution camera for RIXS applications - Andrew Holland - PDF here
Multi-sensor Silicon Drift Detectors for synchrotron applications - Peter Smith - PDF here
Multichannels Silicon Drift Detectors for High Speed, High Resolution, High Count Rate X-ray Spectroscopy - Adrian Niculae - PDF here
X-ray Spectrometers for science and research - Martin Rohde - PDF here
High-performance silicondrift detectors - Martin Hofmann - PDF here
Future detector technologies for ultimate X-ray spectroscopy applications - Benoit Pirard - PDF here
Readout Electronics for high-count-rate high-resolution X-ray spectroscopy - Luca Bombelli - PDF here
Yes, There is a Future for Discrete Electronics for Synchrotron High-Rate Spectroscopy - Peter Grudberg - PDF here
Quantum Detectors vs attenuators - Roger Goldsbrough - PDF here