Final-BANDEAU IWAA 2016 VERT-3.jpg

New deadline for abstract submission: Friday 3 June 2016!

To submit your abstract, please use the CERN Indico system available here.

The abstracts are submitted and later archived via the CERN Indico system. Participants of previous IWAA workshops will very likely already have an account.
If you do not have an account yet, please follow a simple registration procedure here.

Please note that the length of the abstract should not exceed 200 words.

Paper Preparation Guidelines

Authors are advised to use the templates and in case of difficulties they should consult the JACOW electronic publication help pages . The templates contain styles which, when applied, will automatically ensure correct typesetting and layout.

Length of Contributions

Contributed papers for both oral and poster presentation may be up to 6 pages long.

General Layout

See the template for a typical implementation of the requirements.
Manuscripts should be prepared for one side of the paper and have:

  • Either A4 (21.0 cm x 29.7 cm; 8.27 in x 11.69 in) or US letter size (21.6 cm x 27.9 cm; 8.5in x 11.0 in)
  • Single spaced text in two columns of 82.5 mm (3.25 in.) with 5. 3mm (0.2 in.) separation.
  • The text located within the margins specified as follows to facilitate electronic processing of the postscript file.

The margins should be as follows:



A4 paper

US Letter paper














Authors should use only Times or Times New Roman (in roman, bold or italic) and Symbol fonts. All contributions should use 10pt fonts for the normal text.


The title should use 14pt bold uppercase letters and be centred on the page.

The names of the authors and their organisation/affiliation and mailing address should be listed alphabetically in 10pt upper and lower case letters, grouped by affiliation. When there is more than one author, the submitting author's name should be given first, followed by the other names in alphabetical order.

Section Headings

Section headings should use 12pt bold uppercase letters and be centred in the column. They should NOT be numbered.

Widow and Orphan Control: All headings should appear next to the following text - there should never be a column break between a heading and the following paragraph.

Subsection Headings

Subsection headings should use 12pt italic letters, be left aligned and justified in the column. As for section headings, they should NOT be numbered.

Figures and Tables

Place figures and tables as close to the place of their mention as possible. Lettering in figures and tables should be large enough to reproduce clearly, using only the approved fonts. Use of non-approved fonts in figures often leads to problems when the files are processed and may even cause loss of information.