Dates Wednesday, 8th February 2017, 09:00 - 16:00
Venue ILL Chadwick Amphitheatre
Scientific Organisers

UOC Organisers:
Michela Brunelli (SNBL/ESRF),
Alejandro Fernandez-Martinez (ISTerre, CNRS Grenoble),
Sébastien Merkel (Univ. Lille)

ESRF Organisers:
Marco di Michiel, Gavin Vaughan

Keynote Speakers

Dr. Peter Chupas (APS/ANL, USA)
Prof. Andreas Stierle (Desy, Germany)
Dr. David Wragg (Univ. Oslo, Norway)

Administrative Assistant Eva Jahn



Aim & Scope

A number of new or newly refurbished beamlines at the ESRF now offer access to advanced techniques for structural investigations under operando conditions in systems of interest in materials chemistry and environmental science such as battery and fuel cells, solar cells, gas separation technologies and related fields. Examples of such techniques are high speed diffraction and total scattering/PDF, diffraction computed tomography , coupled with flexible and complex sample environments and in combination with complementary X-ray based techniques (i.e., fluorescence or absorption/phase contrast tomography) and simultaneous ancillary probes (Mass Spectrometry, InfraRed Spectrometry).

Thanks to intense focused X-ray nano and micro-beams and to the superb qualities of new  ultrafast high efficiency pixel detectors, time and space resolved experiments not achievable before can be now carried out, opening the door to the study of  a huge number of solid state structural phenomenon on the relevant time scale to the underlying processes.

This user dedicated symposium aims at attracting and stimulating exchange among ESRF users on operando diffraction studies, and at offering the  to discuss new  research directions which can fully exploit the unprecedented possibilities opened up by the powerful potential of X-ray diffraction in new fast acquisition modes.

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