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ATTRACT - Pre Final Conference 

ESRF - Grenoble - France
12-13 June 2024

Venue ESRF Auditorium
Local Event Organisers

Michael Krisch
Axel Kaprolat

External Event Coordinator Pablo Garcia Tello

Luce Chabert
 Emma Visochi




ATTRACT is an initiative run by research infrastructures jointly with industry, innovation & business specialists, and is the starting point for getting science out into society, transforming new ideas into concrete solutions for a better future.

In phase 1, an open call was launched for breakthrough ideas, where an independent research and development and innovation committee selected 170 promising projects that were awarded €100,000 each to develop a proof-of-concept in 12 months.

Departing from the success of phase 1, ATTRACT phase 2 focuses on the proven and most promising breakthrough technology concepts from the previous phase showing strong potential for scientific, industrial, and societal applications.

Additionally, this current phase is also scaling up the opportunities for young entrepreneurs and will also deliver a first-of-a-kind Socioeconomic Study of an innovation ecosystem, realized by experts and addressing different points of view and practices.





Registration is open

Registration deadline : 31th May 2024

ESRF - Grenoble - France
12-13 June 2024

  This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 101004462


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