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- GDR CohereX Workshop
- List of Speakers & abstracts
List of Speakers & abstracts
Invited Speakers & Contributed talks
Invited speakers CohereX Workshop
- Guillaume Beutier, SIMaP, Grenoble, France
Polarisation analysis by ptychography - Irene Calvo, Zaragoza, Spain
Leveraging X-ray coherence to probe the complexity of realistic systems at the nanoscale - Marina Eckermann, ESRF, Grenoble, France
Characterization of biomedical tissues using nano X-ray techniques - Max Langer, TIMC, La Tronche, France
Learning-based methods in phase retrieval from Fresnel diffraction patterns - Danny Mannix, ESS, Lund, Sweden
High resolution spin texture imaging in spin caloritronics prototype device structures - Foivos Perakis, Stockholm, Sweden
Coherent X-rays reveal anomalous diffusion in crowded protein solutions
Contributed Talks
- Clement Atlan, ESRF, France
Probing Strain in Palladium Crystals during Electrochemically-induced Phase Transition - Mohamed R. Boudjehem, CNRS, Institute Neel, France
Multi-dimensional X-ray ptychography: a versatile tool for nanoscale investigation - Mouad Bouita, Universté Grenoble Alpes, France
Advanced Characterization of Dislocations in Platinum Using Multi-Bragg Coherent Diffraction Imaging - William Chevremont, ESRF, France
XPCS in bunch mode: broad timescale measurements and echoes - Yuriy Chushkin, ESRF, France
X-ray photon correlation spectroscopy past, present and future - Antoine Cornet, CNRS, Institute Néel, France
Taking XPCS to extreme pressures at 4th generation synchrotron sources - Vincent Favre-Nicolin, ESRF, France
PyNX: high-performance coherent imaging data analysis for CDI, Ptychography and Holo-Tomography - Matteo Masto, ESRF, France
Deep Learning for Bragg CDI: Gap Inpainting and Phase Retrieval - Maruizio Sacchi, CNRS Sorbonne University, France
X-rays with orbital angular momentum : spectroscopy and imaging - Julie Villanova, ESRF, France
4D synchrotron nano-imaging - Jiangtao Zhao, ESRF, France
Bragg coherent modulation imaging for highly strained nanocrystal
Invited Speakers (Satellite Workshop)
- Damien Alloyeau, MPQ, Paris, France
Revealing the dynamics of functional nanomaterials in their formation and application media by in situ transmission electron microscopy - Martien den Hertog, Néel, Grenoble, France
From center of mass to ptychography in Transmission Electron Microscopy to map electrical properties at nm and atomic length scales - Frédéric Gobeaux, IRAMIS CEA, Saclay, France
CryoTEM as a tool to investigate non-classical crystallization processes - John Rodenburg, Sheffield, UK
On the differences between X-ray and electron ptychography
Round Table
- Francesca Mastropietro, AlphaNov, Bordeaux, France