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J. Bossy - CNRS-Grenoble

T. Unruh,


The dynamical properties of condensed matter are responsible for a wealth of physical properties such as thermal and electrical conductivity, melting, elastic properties, phase stability and transformation, and many others. Numerous experimental techniques have been developed, ranging from table-top set-ups to large scale facilities. In this context neutrons and synchrotron X-rays are powerful probes of these properties in a large domain of length and time scales. The investigation of vibrational properties and magnetic excitations on one side, and slow (diffusion) processes exploiting extremely high energy resolved methods and the coherence properties of X-rays on the other side, finds applications in a broad field of natural scienes from phyiscs, chemisty and biology to material and Earth and planetary science.
The aim of this course is to provide young scientists with an overview of the relevant neutron- and X-ray techniques to study dynamical processes through a combination of technical information, scientific presentations, tutorials, and practicals on instruments at the European Synchrotron Radiation Facility and the Institute Laue Langevin.

You can upload the programme HERE


David Djurado (CNRS-CEA Grenoble), Michael Krisch (ESRF)

Secretariat: Myriam Dhez (ESRF) and Marion Glückert (ESRF)

Contact: the organisers of HSC17


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