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Israel renews its collaboration with the ESRF
The Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities has just renewed its links with the ESRF. The Academy, a Scientific Associate of the ESRF since 1999, contributes 1% to the annual budget of the facility, which is currently of the order of 73M euros. After the first five-year agreement, the Academy decided to renew its collaboration for a further five years.
The new arrangement, again on the basis of 1%, was signed on 19 January in Jerusalem by Jacob Ziv, President of the Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities, Robert Comès, Chairman of the ESRF Council and Bill Stirling, Director General of the ESRF.
During the signature: W.G. Stirling, R. Comès and J. Ziv (from left to right).
The short speeches at the signing ceremony recalled Israel’s involvement in the preparatory phase of the ESRF and expressed the Israeli scientists’ appreciation of the ESRF. The signing ceremony was followed by a one-day workshop on “Synchrotron-based research in Israel”, which showed the range of research activities of Israeli synchrotron users, especially in the areas of materials science and biology.