The beamlines are funded by the Flemish research council. This means that 66% of the available beam time is reserved for researchers working in Flemish institutes (who submit a CRG proposal). The remaining 33% is available for general ESRF applicants (who submit a standard ESRF proposal).

Both beamlines operate at 50% capacity which means only 50% of the usual amount shifts will be available. Proposal submission deadlines are March 1st and September 1st for ESRF users, and April 1st and October 1st for Flemish users.




Proposal deadlines for Flemish researchers:
1st April and 15th October

What research is performed here?

SAXS-WAXS-samplechanger-700px.png The SAXS/WAXS beamline is largely devoted to soft condensed matter research, although scientists from many other research fields (geology, mineralogy, metallurgy, etc.) are also regular visitors


ExafsSaxsWaxs-0008.jpg (Exafs-Saxs-Waxs setup (1)) The XAFS beamline is specialised in on-line catalysis experiments but recent publications include: work on strained and relaxed CVD grown epitaxial Ge1-xSnx films, a study during cycling of Li2FeSiO4 and Li2.2Fe0.9SiO4 Li ion battery materials and a paper entitled "Co-rich ZnCoO nanoparticles embedded in wurtzite Zn1-xCoxO thin films: possible origin of superconductivity".