Preparing for your visit
Experiment start time
You will have been scheduled a certain number of days (or shifts) for your experiment (there are 3 shifts in a 24 hour day, one shift is 8 hours). Unless otherwise arranged with your local contact "days" on DUBBLE begin and end at 9 am.
Local contact
When you are successful in your application for beam time on DUBBLE you will be assigned a "local contact". This person will ensure that you collect the best possible data in your time at ESRF and help you with your data reduction. Often your local contact becomes a scientific collaborator and is then also involved in your data analysis and subsequent publication. Please consult your local contact for all experiment related questions.
Would you need to send your samples prior to your arrival, you can do so using this address:
Name of your local contact
Dutch-Belgian Beamline DUBBLE
ESRF - The European Synchrotron
71, av des Martyrs
CS 40220
38043 Grenoble Cedex 9
Should your carrier company need a monetary value information for your samples, please, give zero.
Sample environment
Please arrange for any sample environment needs with your local contact prior to your experiment. This includes both equipment supplied by DUBBLE and user provided apparatus which will need to be mounted on the beam line. Users are requested to provide their own glass capillaries. Please also read the information on using gases.