This tutorial includes some common rules. Specific informations about the experiments will be found in the part named "contents".


  • Emergency phone number : 10
  • Infirmery : 33
  • Standard : 9
  • Floor coordinator (see below): 25 25
  • ESRF control room: 24 90

Floor coordinator

The floor coordinator is a technician who is present in the ESRF hall 24 hours a day. He can help you if you have any problems tied to ESRF, such as :

  • questions about the beam (in case of shutdown, if you want a low current beam, etc...)
  • power cut in a D2AM room
  • water leak
  • warning signal in the neighbourhood
  • etc...

To contact him, dial : 25 25

Local contact

Don't forget to ask to your local contact his professional phone number and e-mail address. Please avoid to contact him between 22h and 7am.

Using the phone on D2AM

The Beamline D2AM  phone number :

in the control-command room :   (0)4 76 88 25 95

Fax can be received at the 2nd floor of the close-by staircase  (0)4 76 88 23 25

To call Outside ESRF : Dial 0, then the phone number of your correspondent.
To France:  0[1 to 4] 8 numbers. 06 is for special services such as portable phones
To a foreign country 00[2nb of the country] ...

To call Inside ESRF : Dial directly the 4 last digits of the phone number of your ESRF correspondent.

An on-line phone-book is available on any terminal: "phone person"

CRG D2AM secretary's office

ESRF's office common to all CRG's:

      Valérie Clement  20-73 

      Sabine Schreiber 25-02

French CRG's office at the "Institut Néel": Christine Martinelli ( 04 76 88 11 85 ).

To make an entry at ESRF

Only authorized people can ask the Entrance Office to give a Visitor card (short visit during "working" hours, or days and night participation to an experiment with the safety procedure). If you are waiting for someone who wasn't foreseen in your experiment proposal, you should add him on your form A or get in touch with the CRG D2AM secretary's office or your local contact.