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User Guide
- ESRF Data Policy 2024
Before your experiment
- Information for Onsite Users in 2022
- Checklist: Prepare for a Visit
- Safety Approval Form (SAF) to start the experiment
- Support Laboratories Request Forms
- Remote experiments on non Structural Biology beamlines
- Structural Biology Experiments
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- A FORM (to prepare experiment)
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Find a beamline
- Structural biology
Structure of materials
- ID03 - Hard X-ray Microscopy beamline
- ID11 - Materials science beamline
- ID15A - Materials Chemistry and Materials Engineering
- BM18 - Beamline for hierarchical phase-contrast tomography
- ID19 - Microtomography beamline
- ID22 - High resolution powder diffraction beamline
- ID31 - High-energy beamline for buried interface structure and materials processing
- Instrumentation Facility BM05
- In-house research
- Highlights: Structure of materials
- Beamline snapshots
Electronic structure, magnetism and dynamics
- ID12 - Circular Polarisation Beamline
- ID20 - Inelastic Scattering I
- ID26 - X-ray absorption and emission spectroscopy
- ID28 - Inelastic Scattering II
- ID32 - Soft X-ray spectroscopy
- News: Electronic structure and magnetism
- Highlights: Electronic Structure, Magnetism and Dynamics
- Industrial publications: Electronic structure and magnetism
- Techniques
- In-house research
- Beamline snapshots
Matter at extremes
- ID06 Large Volume Press
- ID14 - Nuclear Resonance Beamline
- ID15B - High Pressure Diffraction Beamline
- BM23 - XAS Beamline
- ID24: High Brilliance XAS Beamline
- ID27 - High Pressure Beamline
- Geobridge - Geoscience at the ESRF
- In-house research
- News: Dynamics and extreme conditions group
- Highlights: Matter at Extremes
- Beamline snapshots
Complex systems and biomedical sciences
- ID02 - Time-Resolved Ultra Small-Angle X-Ray Scattering
- ID09 - White Beam Station - Time-resolved Beamline
- ID10 - Soft interfaces and coherent scattering beamline
- ID17 - Biomedical Beamline
- In-house research
- News: Soft matter structures group
- News, spotlights, tech talks from the CBS group
- Beamline snapshots
- X-ray nanoprobe
Collaborating research group beamlines
- BM01 and BM31 - The Swiss-Norwegian Beamlines
- BM02 - D2AM a French CRG Beamline for in situ material characterization
- BM07 - FIP2 - French Beamline for Investigation of Proteins
- BM08 - The LISA Beamline
- BM 14 & BM26 - DUBBLE - Dual Belgian Beamlines
- BM16 - FAME-UHD - - The French Absorption spectroscopy beamline in Material and Environmental sciences at Ultra-High Dilution
- BM20 - ROBL - The Rossendorf Beamline
- Highlights from the CRG beamlines
- BM25 - SpLine - The Spanish CRG Beamline
- BM28 - XMaS, the UK CRG beamline
- BM30 - FAME - The French Absorption spectroscopy beamline in Material and Environmental sciences
- BM32 - IF - InterFace Beamline, French CRG
- News: Collaborating Research Group beamlines
- Beamline snapshots
- Accelerators
- Support and Infrastructure
Scientific Documentation
ESRF Highlights
- ESRF Highlights 2021
- ESRF Highlights 2020
- ESRF Highlights 2019
- ESRF Highlights 2018
- ESRF Highlights 2017
- ESRF Highlights 2016
- ESRF Highlights 2015
- ESRF Highlights 2014
- ESRF Highlights 2013
- ESRF Highlights 2012
- ESRF Highlights 2011
- ESRF Highlights 2010
- ESRF Highlights 2009
- ESRF Highlights 2008
- ESRF Highlights 2007
- ESRF Highlights 2006
- ESRF Highlights 2005
- ESRF Highlights 2004
- ESRF Highlights 2003
- ESRF Highlights 2002
- ESRF Highlights 2001
- ESRF Highlights 2000
- ESRF Highlights 1999
- ESRF Highlights 1997/1998
- ESRF Highlights 1996/1997
- ESRF Highlights 1995/1996
- Instructions for authors
- ESRFnews
- Tell the ESRF about new publications
ESRF Highlights
- Contacts
- ESRF User Organisation
- Links
- The PhD programme at the ESRF
- ERC at the ESRF
- Latest News for Users
Apply for beamtime